The Training at Wealthy Affiliate

When you join the Wealthy Affiliate community you are presented with a website that can be a little bit daunting. On the left side of the screen, you’ll see a menu, at the top of the screen, you see a countdown timer and at the top to the right-hand top corner are a bunch of icons..Where do you go first?

WA Free Account Front Page

As you can see in this image of a free Starter Account, I have had it for a long time and my chat privileges have expired (pink box upper right) The Starter Account doesn’t expire just the ability to chat unless you upgrade.

The top left menu has an activity dashboard below that is a get started here, button. Below that menu item is a live chat button and then the most powerful button of all the Siterubix button.

As you get moving in the training you will learn about the Siterubix button, but for now, we are going to push the get started here button, which will take you to the certification course training.

When you click the get started here button, which should be blinking If you haven’t gotten started yet, a second menu will open where you will see a rocket ship in a highlighted box. This lesson is called getting started. This is actually the first course of a five-course lesson plan. Inside each course are 10 lessons for a total of 50 lessons. Only the first 10 lessons of the first course are available to free members. Once you have completed the first course, you will need to upgrade to premium to view the remaining courses.

Choose Your Learning Style

Generally, there are three types of learning styles.  Visual, Auditory and Tactile (Kinesthetic) learning make up the majority of the classifications of learning.  Some texts will add additional styles that break down some of the social aspects adding Verbal, Solitary, Social and Logical learning to the mix.

Wealthy affiliate intends to make their learning appeal to all types of learners. The training consists of Written modules that also include video-based lessons. The written modules will appeal to the visual and the verbal learning styles while the video-based tutorials will appeal not only to the visual and auditory but to the verbal and social aspects as well.

At the end of each lesson are a series of tasks that you will complete. By working through the tasks kinesthetic or tactile learners will set the training in their brains.

In the online world, it pays to set up your tutorials with multiple touch points. Wealthy Affiliate has done this with their text, video and task lists. This training should appeal the learning styles, in fact, it should apply to all.

I have done a breakdown of all of the courses that are available in the first certification course over on the what does wealthy affiliate teach post. If you like to see what the tutorials cover then take a look at this post.

In essence, you have five courses each with 10 lessons. These will teach you how to build a website in any niche that you choose.

If you’d like to get into promoting in the online make money space,  there another set of seven courses that focus specifically on making money online. This is called the Bootcamp.

If you’re just starting out, the make money online, space is probably NOT one you should tackle.  This particular niche is very competitive and you need to know what you’re doing before you tackle this audience. However,  you can certainly view the tutorials. There may be some additional information there that you could use in your own niche.

Ready to choose Your Niche?

When people ask what niche they should choose, I typically ask them what their interests are.  Usually, you can make money in any niche that you choose. It is important to understand that you will be writing about your interest over and over again. It makes sense to choose something that you already like.

Let’s choose a random niche and see what might be possible.

My daughters are having babies so, let’s see what might be available in the Baby market. I know that being mobile is one of the big problems for mothers. It would be nice if you had a lightweight stroller that you could carry around with you relatively easily and pack and unpack from the car with ease. This sounds a lot like an umbrella stroller. Let’s see what Google Trends has to say.

Google Trend for Umbrella Strollers

It would appear that the trend for umbrella strollers is relatively high and seems to be better in the summertime than in the fall.

A quick check of the objects each keyword tool shows me several options for keywords that I can write around.

Jaaxy Umbrella Stroller Results

So if you are a new mother or perhaps a Grandfather like I am, this might be a good way to promote something that is what people are looking for.

I know that Amazon, Walmart, Target, and Toys R Us all carry Umbrella Strollers.  This means that there is a pretty strong market for these.  Amazon, Walmart, and Target all have affiliate programs so this niche is also readily able to be monetized. Sadly, Toys R Us is going out of business so although they did have an affiliate program this company would not be a good choice for monetization.

To enter this market you would create a website that reviews Umbrella Strollers, perhaps add a few higher end strollers to the mix as well.  Babies are big business. Your niche would probably be quite well received.

This is just one niche of many that can be promoted using Affiliate Marketing.  Wealthy Affiliate will teach you how to create a site and market it online to bring in some extra household income.

You are Ready to Learn

I see people come into Wealthy Affiliate all the time, they think differently than I do.  I can tell that their experiences and style of learning are different.  Several weeks later they are all excited about the progress they have made.  Part of their excitement is what is being taught at Wealthy Affiliate.

They aren’t excited about how Wealthy Affiliate Teaches but they do connect with the training. It is amazing how well designed the courses are.  The courses reach all of the different kinds of learners and get them to the point where they can succeed with their own online business.

You can do this too.  You can create an online business that will close the gap between where you are now and where you want your life to go.  Take a look at the Wealthy Affiliate Review that I have written, sign-up with the free starter program and see if you agree that Wealthy Affiliate will get you moving toward your dream.




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