If you’re considering starting a business online, you need to determine what it is you want to do online and if there is an audience that wants what you have to offer. This article will walk you through how to find your niche market, how to find your audience. I will try and give you the tools that you need to isolate your idea and determine if it is a good way to proceed.

Can’t Find a Niche, Start at the Beginning

Start With Who You Are


Each of us is unique. You have special talents and special experiences that are unique only to you. you may not see them as unique but no one else has had your experience and no one else has been through what you have. There may be similarities with others, and that is what you will capitalize on.

Sit down with a pen and paper and decide what it is that you are passionate about. Do a brain dump. Make a list of what it is that makes you excited. If there were no one else in the world and you had unlimited funds to do whatever You wanted to do, what would that be?

Try to write down 20 things that get you excited. At this point, you’re not trying to refine anything you’re just trying to get it all down on paper. You will come back to this list.

What Unique Experiences Do You Bring to the Table?


Now it’s time to look at your experience.

What is it you have done in the past?

What skills have you developed?

What are your achievements?

Making this list is hard for a lot of people. Try not to be critical of yourself. You have learned a few things you have some lessons that you have learned throughout your life, write them down. You have solved problems, and you may have a few that you haven’t solved yet.

What Problems Have You Overcome to Get Where You Are?


Try to identify the problems that you have successfully navigated throughout your life. You probably aren’t the only person that has come through this sort of situation. The people in your audience may have run into the same sort of problems.

See if you can identify your solutions to these problems. Your readers might want to know how you overcame these challenges. In some cases, finding the solution to a problem might be a product you can promote or create.

Take a look at your style, how it is that you access the world. What is it that you do that others might do differently. Some people are primarily visual, some people hear better while others are all about feeling. Take a look at you, try to identify which learning style fits your needs and how you might adjust to people that look at the world differently.

At this point, you put together two lists all about you. Take a look at these lists and see if you can come up with what it is that you can provide, given your current skills, to help people. Choose something that excites you, something that you can do every day. Find something that you can enjoy! Your vocation doesn’t have to feel like work.

Learn to Find Your Customer Like a Professional


Now that you’ve narrowed down your subject it’s time to figure out who will be in your audience.

I will usually start with Google.  Google a term that is related to your audience. As you type in your term, you’ll find that Google will help you out by providing additional ideas around your keyword. Although Google has recently phased out Google instant, you can still see the terms around the one you were searching.

You can also use a technique called the alphabet soup. You start by putting in your keyword or your search term adding a space and each letter of the alphabet in sequence.  This will give you an idea of what similar terms people are searching inside Google.

From this intelligence, you can begin to determine what your audience looks like. You can also determine if this is the audience want to target.

As you begin to determine who your target market is, you need to think about is this the demographic That you want to market to. Who is the ideal audience? Do they have the right income potential? Can you connect with this audience or is this audience too far from the people that you’re comfortable with.

You can further identify your audience by looking at who is working in the space now. What are the websites or businesses that currently doing business in this area? Take a look at what they are doing, what is it they’re doing right, and what is it that they are not doing or are doing incorrectly. Look for a way that you can offer a unique perspective. Look at the parts of the business that they seem to be overlooking. This could very well be your opportunity to serve your customers in a new way.

Your Product, Your Way to Success


By now, you have identified your strengths, you have identified some problems that you can solve for your readers, and you are narrowing down what is your market  is looking to find.

It’s time to pick your product. if your focus is on affiliate marketing, you will want to identify a line of products that are available to fulfill your customer’s needs.  If your focus is on creating a business product  that will service your customers, by now you should have a pretty good idea what it is they want. You can start working on your specifications for your product.

If affiliate marketing is your goal, you will probably want to identify keywords that people are looking for. Identify how people are searching inside the search engines and what their approximate traffic volume is. You can then decide if this audience will provide you enough financial reward to proceed.

If you are creating a product,  you will want to identify a price point for your product and decide how it is you will market  this to your audience. You will also want to identify  your potential volume. if the need is not large enough this could impact the viability of your product.

In either case you will want to identify what it is that makes your product special. How are you going to market to your audience that makes it stand out from the others that are operating in your segment of the market. This is called your unique selling proposition.You want to stand out from the crowd your USP will do that for you.

The Best Way to Test Your Idea


Now you know what your strengths are, you isolated your audience and you come up with an idea. What is the best way to test your idea? The answer, of course, will depend on your audience but, you need to come up with a prototype of some kind and get in front of your audience.

Create a minimum viable product (MVP). This is something with the strongest features of your product but none of the extra bells and whistles. Provide free samples to your customers and get their feedback. Doesn’t do what you intended?  Is it something they would buy? How would they make it better?

Collect all this information, take it back to your business partners and discuss how you might make the product a viable solution for your customers.

I hope this post was helpful for you to help find your niche market. Wealthy Affiliate has a whole section of their training that discusses how to find your niche and how to capitalize on your decision. They will help you to make money online from home. If you want to discuss with others how to find and develop a specific niche market, the community at Wealthy Affiliate is more than willing to help. Sign up for the free starter membership and you can get access to this community.

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